Collaborative Development – The Game Changer in E-Learning
Anyone involved in E-Learning is aware of one obvious truth - E-Learning development is an intensely collaborative activity. Any E-Learning development requires a diverse array of skills such as Project Managers, Subject Matter Experts, ...
What is Role Based E-Learning
What do you do when you need to deliver different variations of an E-learning course to different groups of learners? E-Learning developers encounter this situation more often than you might think. For example you may want to use localized...
Localization and Translation – Technical Considerations for Multi Language E-Learning
Creating Multi Language E-Learning has always presented a unique set of challenges. Some challenges concern translation while others relate to content production and technology. While a professional and qualified translation...
True responsive e-learning – Why You Can’t Duck Any Longer and How You Can Meet The Challenge
Lets face it. For the past few years everyone has been paying lip service to responsive e-learning while producing courses that simply weren’t designed to play on devices. A few attempted to create Adaptive courses laboriously...
So you want to create a truly responsive course!
Responsive design in itself is a big term, people often use it quite loosely but creating a responsive design course while keeping it beautiful can be a daunting task. In fact not everyone understands what responsive design is, to the level, that some people think if...
A New Approach to Building Truly Responsive Courses in HTML5
Way back in 2007 when Apple launched the iPhone we noticed the beginning of a change. The e-learning industry started looking at different devices more closely as platforms to deliver learning to the user, to reach the user more effectively. As developers we were...